“Sustainability is about creating the kind of world we want for ourselves, our neighbours and future generations. It involves living our lives and making decisions as individuals, organisations and societies so that the quality of life available for future generations is equal to – or exceeds – what we inherited from our ancestors. It involves making decisions on how we invest our money, time and resources in a manner that includes economic, social and environmental considerations.” The Natural Step – British Virgin Islands by John Purkis and Karen Miller.

The BVI Sustainability Network embraces the definition of sustainability given above. The role of the network is to provide regular opportunities for persons to check in, share projects, ideas and resources, identify synergies, support one another and create opportunities for impact.
The Network has identified several working groups, which represent key areas in which they would like to see change. Working Groups include 1) Trash to Treasure; 2) Sustainable Gardening; 3) Policy/Legislation; 4) Education.
The formation of the Network was one of the recommendations of the above mentioned report by Purkis and Miller, which was developed as an output of the British Virgin Islands Sustainability Capacity Building Program which was held in 2012.
The network is facilitated by Green VI and meetings are held quarterly at Fishlock Hall J.R. O’Neal Botanic Gardens.
