

Also called black gold, compost can be used to enrich your soil and grow your own free, delicious and healthy herbs, tomatoes and greens. Compost is organic matter that has broken down and can be used as fertilizer for your garden. The only ingredients required are...
Solar Pilots

Solar Pilots

In pushing for an increase in solar and wind power usage in the territory, Green VI has proposed five pilot projects to begin the process of reducing reliance on oil power, enabling local people to learn how to install and maintain solar and wind power systems, and...
Earth Day 2018

Earth Day 2018

Every year Green VI  celebrates Earth Day with tens of thousands of other groups around the world, across 196 countries. A massive thank you to our sponsors, supporters and partners who have this work possible as we move closer toward a greener, cleaner and healthier...
Building Sustainable Schools

Building Sustainable Schools

Green VI aims to help all schools in the BVI to become sustainable by working with the education authorities, the teaching staff and the students. Green VI is committed to making expertise available to any school in the BVI interested in working towards becoming a...
Earth Day 2017

Earth Day 2017

Earth Day activities are being planned for the BVI. On Tortola, Bounce VI is organizing a fun, beach day at Cane Garden Bay, Tortola. Bring the whole family out for a day of good clean fun in the sun. Lion Fish Hunt – Multiple teams on a hunt for Lionfish, then...