“Fragile Tings” multimedia art exhibit, featuring collaboration between local not-for-profit Green VI and photographer Hezikiah Maddox at the Sugar Works Museum June – 24th July 2015, has received high praises. To see more of Hezekiah Maddox’s photos see: Fragile Tings

Guest comments include:

“Beautiful yet powerful pieces!”
“Made me think in a different way.”
“The message is strong and poignant, and the work is stunning!”
“Most unique multi media exhibit I’ve seen in a long time.”
“Framed photos by Hezikiah Maddox and recycled glass art are VERY reasonably priced!”
“Wonderful local art!”


Glass Artist: Garrett Wheeler

Photo: Hezikiah Maddox

Glass and Nature

Discarded bottles provide the perfect medium  – 100% pure, natural silica sand – transformed by the glassblowers breathing new life, into what is currently seen as waste.


Glass Artist: Garrett Wheeler

Photo: Hezikiah Maddox

Glass, Nature & Culture

As with our environment, each finished recycled glass product is unique, solid yet breakable, and must be handled with delicate care. The up-cycled glass forms are arranged into themes that invite the viewer to contemplate on the delicate balance between humans and nature.


Glass Artist: Garrett Wheeler

Photo: Hezikiah Maddox

Glass & Nature

As stewards of planet earth we have a responsibility to handle nature carefully. Analogously with glass, once broken, it is impossible to put it back together to its original state of exquisiteness.


Glass Artist: Garrett Wheeler

Photo: Hezikiah Maddox

Glass & Development

These images have been shot at the incinerator at Pockwood Pond. Recycled glass sprouts out of the hazardous ash as a symbol that out of waste, resources can be borne.


Glass Artist: Garrett Wheeler

Photo:Hezikiah Maddox

Glass & Development

The cruise ship industry epitomises the quality vs quantity debate. Studies show the following negative impacts of the cruise ship industry on small island states:

  • low spending of cruise ship tourists
  • traffic congestion
  • damage to roads
  • emissions from ships
  • sun cream damage to reefs
  • stress on sewage systems
  • increased litter and waste
  • unknown imacts of dumping large volumes of food waste at sea


Glass Artist: Garrett Wheeler

Photo: Hezikiah Maddox

Glass & Responsible Sailing

Featuring recycled glass art and photography that captures the fragility of glass and our environment, most of the images were shot in Cane Garden Bay and others on Jost van Dyke and on Endeavour II, courtesy of the Jost van Dyke Preservation Society.


Glass Artist: Garrett Wheeler

Photo: Hezikiah Maddox

Glass & Culture

Click here for more Fragile Tings images.

Thank you to Business BVI for their article and wonderful images.